Every student needs structure and planning to succeed. That's why I created these handy planning and schedule templates for you. They are free to print and very cute.
These templates have saved me to pass all my classes. Hopefully, they will help you to succeed this year.
Class Schedule
In the first two templates, you can write down the classes of that week with the time they take place. This way you have a handy overview and you will never be late again.
Weekly planners
The following templates are weekly planners in which you can plan all your schoolwork. These are very useful because they give you a good overview.
Workout schedule
For athletic students, it's also useful to have a workout plan. This way you can plan your workouts in detail and get your results faster.
Meal planners
I also made meal planners where you can plan all your meals for a whole week.
The first meal planner is an example of what such a meal planner looks like when it is completely filled in. The second planner is the blank version in which you can write down your own meals.
More of these planners with new designs are coming soon!